Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Import users into SBS 2011 console after a migration.


After doing a SBS migration to SBS2011, I found that the users were not displaying in the Small Business Server console.

I came across Brian Fahrenholtz’s script on his website and it works pretty well.

' // ***** Script Header *****
' //
' // Solution: SBS Console
' // File: AddUsersToSBSConsole.vbs
' // Author: Brian Fahrenholtz, Coretech A/S.
' // Purpose: Add Active Directory user accounts to the SBS Console
' //
' // Usage: AddUsersToSBSConsole.vbs
' //
' //
' // CORETECH A/S History:
' // 1.0.0 BFA 27/01/2011 Created initial version.
' //
' // Customer History:
' //
' // ***** End Header *****
' //***************************************************************************
' //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' // Main routines
' //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
' Defines the OU location for user accounts
' Remember to define the user location before running the script
' Default adds users located in SBSUsers
strSearchOU = "OU= import users,DC=contoso,DC=local"
' Create the ADO Recordset Object
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
' Open the Record Set based on the arguments
rs.Open "<LDAP://"& strSearchOU & ">;(&(objectClass=User)(!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)));adspath;subTree", "provider=ADsDSOObject"
Do Until rs.EOF
 'Create an instance of a user object from AD
 Set oUser = GetObject(rs.Fields("adspath"))
 'Update the local property cache value using the Put method
 oUser.Put "msSBSCreationState", "Created"
 'Write the local property cache back to AD
'// End Script

Make sure to put a test user in an OU “Imported Users” to test the script out.

Make changes specific to your environment on the line

strSearchOU = "OU= import users,DC=contoso,DC=local"

The Installation of Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard cannot Finish. – Fixed!

Ran into this and figured I’d pass it along as it seems to be due to a windows update and who knows if they will fix it in the future or not..

Migrating from SBS2k3 to SBS2011, the answer file was set up and errored out saying that it could not find the source server’s host name. I was able to ping it from the new server, so I checked to see if it could see it again, and it found it just fine.

Install continued and when I checked back this scary screen was up.


And ..


However, the FSMO roles and replication were all on the new server and are functioning. No service interruption from the user end as well..

Looking into it a little more found this KB …

and was able to find the matching info in the log file on the SBS 2011 box.

I took a backup of the server and applied the reg settings and the rest of the steps in the KB and  ….


Now we wait..



Simple fix, so I figured I’d pass it along.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mail Messages being bounced back with error: #550 4.4.7 QUEUE.Expired; message expired ##

When a message gets sent out to the server looks in it’s DNS records to find where the mail server for is so that it can send the message along.

Check your server’s DNS forwarders to make sure they are correct.


I had the correct DNS servers in.

Next thing to check is what IP  is resolving to.


As you can see, the server is being told that the mail server for is located at, which is not the correct address.

Since it is not the correct address, the emails stay in the queue on the server…


The correct address can be found by looking up IP and DNS information. I use the website but you can use whatever tool you feel like using.


From a machine outside of your network, one that is not using NTD’s DNS servers, I am able to get everything working just fine.

Here we can see that pinging resolves to the right IP address.


I called the ISP and explained the issue and they found that they had hosted this company’s email at some point and still had an A record in pointing to rather than 21.