Wednesday, August 24, 2011

IE7 Disable toolbar, Navigation Bar and printing via Group Policy and Custom ADM file

The scenario was that a customer needed to lock down IE7 on their plant floors. The application they use to run the machines was a homebrewed application and called IE to open up some documents. The application was presented to the users via Citrix, so it was the only app they could see. Once they would open up the app they were going out and opening documents, then surfing on over to whatever sites they wanted.

They also would try and print recipies or whatever but would end up sending the print job to the wrong printer (there is not a lot of control at the plants to use group policy printing) and screw up label printers or other such devices.

The solution?! Group policy and a custom ADM built to change the registry keys!

Here is the ADM, just copy and paste into notepad and save it with a .adm extension (be sure to change file type to all!!)

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